Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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Vodafone Achieves Milestone with First Space Video Call from Remote Location Using Regular Mobile Phone and Commercial Satellites Designed for Mobile Broadband Service

Vodafone engineer Rowan Chesmer recently made history by conducting the world’s first space mobile video call from a remote area in Wales to Vodafone Group Chief Executive, Margherita Della Valle. This groundbreaking achievement was made possible using satellites designed to provide a full mobile broadband experience.

During the unveiling of Europe’s first space-to-land gateway, astronaut Tim Peake joined Margherita in Newbury, UK to demonstrate the seamless connection between the satellites and Vodafone’s terrestrial network. This innovative technology is set to revolutionize connectivity by offering the only satellite service in the world that can provide mobile broadband directly to multiple 4G or 5G smartphones.

Vodafone aims to launch the first commercial satellite broadband service in Europe later in 2025 and 2026. With this technology, users in areas without mobile coverage can make video calls, access the Internet, and use online messaging services without the need for special equipment.

The partnership between Vodafone and AST SpaceMobile has led to several world-first achievements, including the first space-based 5G voice call. Together, they are working towards closing digital divides and providing reliable connectivity in remote locations. This milestone marks a significant advancement in the telecommunications industry and brings Europe one step closer to achieving universal digital connectivity.

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