Tuesday, February 18, 2025

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California Residents Mobilizing Voters in Key Swing States for 2024 Election

Bay Area volunteers are heading to battleground states to help turn out the vote ahead of the upcoming election. Beverly Debolski is one of dozens of California Democrats who will be canvassing for Democrats and volunteering as poll watchers in swing states like Nevada. The focus is on key states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Debolski and her friend Tamara Osheroff are motivated by a sense of duty to uphold democracy and honor the civil rights workers of the past. They are determined to make a difference on the ground in these crucial states. Melinda Jackson, a politics professor, highlighted the importance of poll watchers in ensuring a fair election process amid concerns of voter intimidation.

California Republicans are also actively engaged in volunteer efforts, focusing on races at the national and local levels. With the presidential election at a virtual tie in the polls, effective canvassing and get-out-the-vote efforts could make a significant impact in swing counties and states.

Both parties are emphasizing the ground game as a key strategy in securing victory in the upcoming election. As California Democrats and Republicans mobilize their volunteer bases, the outcome of the election may hinge on the efforts of dedicated individuals like Debolski and Osheroff. Stay tuned for updates as these volunteers work tirelessly to influence the outcome of the Nov. 5 election.

Photo credit abc7news.com


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