Saturday, February 8, 2025

Top 5 This Week


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Managing Unwanted Vines, Kudzu, and Weeds: Sperry’s Advice for a Happier Lifestyle

A homeowner in East Texas is seeking advice on how to control the invasive plant kudzu that is threatening to cover their property. Expert Neil Sperry suggests using foliar sprays combining glyphosate and triclopyr for effective control. He recommends cutting back the vines flush with the soil and addressing cut stumps when climbing large trees.

Another homeowner is concerned about killing off unwanted vines without harming their Asian jasmine plants. Sperry suggests trying glyphosate sprays on small outbreaks of the vines to see if it kills the weed without harming the jasmine.

For a rental property in North Central Texas with a lawn infested with weeds, Sperry recommends frequent mowing to kill out most weeds and using a 24-D product to control broadleafed weeds. Pre-emergent granules can prevent crabgrass and grassburs, while spot-treating with glyphosate is necessary for dallisgrass.

In Houston, a homeowner’s lawn turned yellow and blades were rotting at the bases after a recent hurricane. Sperry identifies the issue as brown patch disease and recommends using Azoxystrobin fungicide to control it, as well as gray leaf spot and take-all root rot.

Overall, these expert tips from Neil Sperry provide homeowners with effective solutions for controlling invasive plants and managing lawn diseases to maintain a healthy and vibrant landscape.

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