Tony Stark, portrayed by Robert Downey Jr., died as a hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe after a long and successful career in the franchise. However, Downey made a surprising return during a San Diego Comic-Con event, announcing that he would be playing the role of Doctor Doom or Victor Von Doom in upcoming Marvel films. This casting choice has sparked confusion and mixed reactions among fans, with some speculating on how the character will be portrayed and whether it will be connected to Stark/Iron Man.
Many online have expressed skepticism and criticism of the casting, feeling that it was a desperate move by Marvel Studios, especially after recent disappointing box office numbers for some of their films. Some fans believe the decision was made strictly for fan service, while others are simply excited to see Downey return to the MCU in any capacity.
Downey’s new role as Doctor Doom is said to involve mostly voice work, as the character wears a face mask. This role comes after rumors that Downey was originally cast to play Kang the Conqueror, but Marvel Studios cut ties with the actor due to legal issues. Despite the controversy surrounding the casting, many fans are eager to see how Downey will portray the iconic villain in upcoming films like “Avengers: Doomsday” and “Avengers: Secret Wars.”
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